Christine’s Priorities
A Platform for Progressive Change
Equality & Racial Justice
Christine’s approach to policy-making is to listen first to affected communities. She understands the importance of an anti-racist lens in policy making. She has partnered with advocacy groups to amplify those needs and has been a leader on issues like drivers licenses for people regardless of immigration status, abortion access, environmental justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. As a Board member of the Caucus of Women Legislators, Christine leads on issues included menstrual equity and child care.
Health Care Access & Affordability
Christine was a health care policy analyst before she became a State Representative. She has built upon her expertise to fix our broken health care system by taking on issues like reducing prescription drug costs and ensuring equal access to care. When Governor Baker tried to roll back Medicaid Expansion, Christine organized her colleagues to defeat the effort. There is no stronger advocate for meaningful health care equity and expansion.
Climate Justice
Christine is a vocal advocate for environmental justice and the intersection of issues like housing and transportation with our warming planet. Christine has secured funds to clean up parkland along the Mystic River and help to bring the Green Line Extension, the first expansion of the T in a generation, to Somerville and Medford. She also authored legislation to electrify public transportation, create fare free buses, reduce gas leaks, and transition to zero-emission vehicles.
Affordable Housing is a Human Right
As a renter herself, Christine understands firsthand how expensive it can be to live in our area. She has helped to increase funding for housing subsidies, affordable housing and programs for people who are homeless in Medford & Somerville. Christine wrote a law to incentivize building affordable and multifamily housing that recently passed, as well as a bill to improve availability of accessible housing for seniors and people with disabilities.
Fighting For Our Families
Christine prioritizes investments in public education for all students. She believes in debt-free higher education and leads on a bill to tax endowments to fund education. A member of the Early Education Workforce Commission, Christine works to develop a stronger and more equitably-paid early educator workforce. She created a new commission to improve children’s vision screenings. As a member of the Autism Commission, Christine advocates for Massachusetts to better serve the educational and developmental needs of people with autism, and has been successful in increasing funding for programs. Christine was proud to vote for the Student Opportunity Act, comprehensive education funding reform that impacts every student and school in Somerville and Medford.
Criminal Justice Reform
From reducing mass incarceration to supporting those who are currently incarcerated, criminal just reform is a top priority. Christine supports decareration through diversion programs, bail and parole reform, and changes to discriminatory sentencing laws. As that work continues, Christine is also pushing for stronger supports for those who are currently incarcerated, through work as a member of the Commission on Structural Racism in Corrections and Co-Chair of the Task Force on Justice-Involved Women.
Making Corporations Pay their Fair Share
To fund critical services like education, public transportation, and other public services, Massachusetts must raise new forms of revenue. Corporations and the wealthy should pay their fair share in taxes. Christine has been a tireless advocate for raising progressive revenue, and has championed legislation to close corporate loopholes.